1. As an independent scientific work of the applicant for the scientific degree of Doctor, submitted doctoral thesis must meet one of the following requirements: 

1.1. Scientific researches and investigations carried out by the applicant provide solution of new and great scientific problems of social-cultural or economic importance; 

1.2. New theoretical provisions which can be considered as great achievements for the perspective development of the relevant scientific field in the dissertation work are worked out; 

1.3. Economic, technical and technological developments scientifically-grounded, significantly contributing to accelerate the scientific-technical progress are solved; 

1.4. Scientific provisions and the results presented at the PhD thesis defense, cannot be led at the doctoral thesis defense; 

2. As an independent scientific work of the applicant for the scientific degree of Doctor, submitted doctoral thesis must meet one of the following requirements: 

2.1. In the thesis new solution of any issue of great importance for relevant scientific area is offered; 

2.2. Perfected scientific interpretation of economic, technical and technological developments of great importance of application is given. 

3. The applicants for scientific degree of PhD will pass examine on specialization subject proper to orders defined by the Commission (in the case of dissertation prepared on two subjects, on both subjects). 

In the case of absence of higher education in the field of prepared dissertation of pretenders for PhD or doctoral scientific degree, they will pass additional candidate's examination. Only persons with higher education on medical and veterinary sciences can be defended and thesis for doctoral and candidate degrees in these areas. Pedagogical experience of the pretenders for scientific degree of Pedagogical PhD in the field of specialization received at Higher Education Institutions shall not be less than two years. PhD examinations are valid up to six years since passing. PhD examination on specialty is passed at the organization where dissertation defended. Expenses related to PhD exams are paid by the entity (unity, organization) where examination commission established. Candidature program and examinations’ procedure rules and examinations are approved by the Commission. In the case of necessity of one-time dissertations council for dissertation defense, commission defines organization where specialty exams will be carried out. 

4. Applicants for scientific degree shall submit dissertation in a special prepared manuscript form. 

5. A dissertation is a collection covering scientific provisions and results written by the author alone and nominated for open defense. A dissertation shall have internal unity; reflect contribution of the author personally given for science. 

New results Proposed by the author shall be seriously substantiated, critically evaluated in comparison with the existing facts and scientific views. Dissertations of applied importance shall include information about scientific results obtained by the author in practice; Dissertations of theoretical importance shall include recommendations in connection with the application of scientific results. 

The dissertation shall be prepared in accordance with rules defined by the Commission. 

6. Thesis topics, as a rule, shall be appropriate to the directions of main scientific-research work of scientific institutions and higher schools possessing authority to train the personnel on relevant science (post graduate and doctoral course), as well as of directions defined by Republic Scientific Research Organization and Coordination Council of the National Academy of Sciences; shall be separately approved at the scientific (scientific -technical) councils of the same institutions and faculties of higher schools per each applicant. 

By the approval of scientific topics at the same time, scientific supervisor of the applicant (on the PhD thesis) and/or scientific advisor (on doctoral dissertation) defined in accordance with the applicant’s wish is appointed. 

In the case of research work on dissertation is planned to be conducted in two different organizations and/or specialties, two supervisors possessing doctors, or PhD degree can be appointed. 

7. The main scientific achievements of thesis shall be published in scientific publications of the Republic of Azerbaijan and foreign prestigious editions (unequivocally adopted by the international scientific community as scientific-practical) before its initial expertise. 

List of relevant scientific publications of the Republic of Azerbaijan shall be determined by the Commission. 

A short summary in the Azerbaijani of the main scientific results of the dissertation published in foreign language in the editions of prestigious scientific publication of foreign countries shall be submitted to the Commission. 

Requirements related to the publications of scientific results of the thesis shall be determined by the Commission. 

8. Articles of the applicant shall be published at least - 5 on the theses results; as well as 1 in prestigious journals of foreign countries; at least 20 on results of doctoral work; 3 on humanitarian and social sciences published in prestigious journals of foreign countries; at least 6 on natural sciences. Generalized works, monographs on humanitarian and social sciences of the candidate for defense of Doctoral theses are necessary. 

Published scientific works reflecting main results of dissertation additionally include certificates of authorship on the inventions, patents and industrial samples, published lectures and theses, electron scientific publications on the results of republic-wide and international conferences and symposiums. Requirements on published lectures and theses on the results of republic-wide and international conferences and symposiums, as well as electron scientific publications shall be determined by the Commission. 

9. While writing dissertation, an applicant shall refer to the sources and authors of quoted materials. 

If scientific ideas and developments belonging to collective authors are used, an applicant shall note them in the thesis. If materials and literature unquoted to the author are used, regardless of the dissertation stage of consideration expertise shall be suspended and the applicant will not have right for defense on the same theme again. 

In the case of discovering plagiarism fact in approved work, decision on giving the scientific degree may be canceled by the presidium. 

Approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Dated February 21, 2003, number 857.